Spending Too Much Time Trying to Find the Right Experts?

Get matched with the right experts on InsightGig with our AI-led Smart Search capabilities. With InsightGig you get access to pre-vetted experts across experience levels, and research specializations. 

Deep Vetting & Right Matching

Invite-Only Network

InsightGig’s invite-only expert network is specifically curated to give you the best expertise across the spectrum of skills and frameworks needed to execute Market Research projects. We bring you the top 1% of proven insight professionals and teams with a wide range of experience to ensure proficiency, ownership, and an outcome-focused approach.

Active Customer Success

InsightGig’s Customer Success Team is built to provide hands-on support throughout the expert search and collaboration process. Our teams can help right from defining the scope of your brief, to shortlisting the right experts for your requirements saving you time and effort on your path to the right insights!

Comprehensive Expert Profiles

Find in depth profiles of your next expert using our Market Research focused Profile Viewer. Review their experience, skills and sample work to gain a deep understanding of your expert while you assess whether they are the right fit for your needs.

Custom Recommendations

The right match is as important as expert skills for successful execution. InsightGig’s AI Led Platform matches on skills as well as persona so that you can augment your teams with the right players for the best results.

Easy Onboarding & Management

Dynamic Engagement Options

Traditional recruiting is a thing of the past. At InsightGig you can find talent who can take ownership of end-to-end projects, step into provide niche skills in discrete parts of a whole project, get embedded with your team to manage short term bandwidth or even come onboard as full-time employees. We give you the flexibility to build your team as you want it, when you want it so that you stay agile always.

Effective Collaboration

InsightGig’s Workspace gives you a central console to form teams within and outside your organizations, collaborate with your remote experts, track and monitor projects, and conduct regular stand-ups with your on-demand team. Our transparent and real-time collaboration tools help you gain complete visibility into the team’s progress, make course corrections and ensure that there is alignment in expectations and outcomes.

AI-Led Assistance

Insights are deeper and sharper when insight experts have more time to glean them. We have combined our deep understanding of Market Research with solid foundations in data and software to create AI-led tools that help researchers optimize time spent and maximize value delivery so that actionable insights are the razor-sharp focus of every project.

With InsightGig, Insight Custodians Can

Curate a thoughtful ecosystem of trusted partners

Adopt frameworks that drive efficiency to the insight generation process

Make insights easily accessible to everyone in the organization

Embrace the Flexible Future of Work

InsightGig’s Intelligent Platform can help you build and maintain your perfect on demand Insight Teams.

Global Access to Talent

Deep Vetting of Expertise

Intelligent Matching of Requirements

Dynamic Engagement Options

Easy Onboarding

Automated Project Monitoring

Secure Payments

How to Hire the Best Experts through InsightGig?

Tell Us Your Requirements

Our Customer Success Team will schedule a call to understand and define your requirement and engagement options

We Shortlist the Talent For You

 Our team and AI-led platform will identify & shortlist the ideal experts for you in days

Select Your Expert

Use our collaboration features to schedule meetings, discuss proposals with the shortlisted experts and find your right fit

Begin Your Project

Our contracting and secure payments allow you to seamlessly onboard your expert and begin your engagement

Why Do Companies Choose InsightGig?

Market Research Focused

We are built specially for Market Research with a deep understanding of the domain, so our network of experts bring to you an extensive skill set needed across market research requirements.

Relationships not Gigs!

We help you curate and manage talent who remain flexible extensions of your team to collaborate with when needed, so that context and knowledge is sustained and built on for greater efficiency and value.

Unified Platform

A software-first solution to building and managing your insight resources. We help you collaborate with your research talent, onboard them without lengthy red tape and manage them over time within a single interface.

Hire your Experts Today!